"A trade fair is more than a five-day event."
First AI conference of HANNOVER MESSE inspires the community and shows how we are rethinking trade fair communication.
25 Jan 2024Share
Anyone entering the Maindock in Frankfurt this Wednesday, 24 January 2024, might think that the HANNOVER MESSE had opened its doors early. Banners of the industrial fair are everywhere, and the hall is filled to the last seat. And right in the middle: Hubertus von Monschaw, head of HANNOVER MESSE, who, together with his team, has initiated this new conference event. It's all about artificial intelligence (AI) in industry and how industrial companies can benefit from AI. We spoke to Hubertus about tapping into new communities and "rethinking" trade fair communication:
"When we started planning the event last September, I would never have thought that it would be so well received," says Hubertus, standing among the more than 200 participants. Still, the question remains: why isn't the event taking place in April at HANNOVER MESSE? "A trade fair is more than just a five-day event," says Hubertus. "Our target groups are looking for guidance on the issues that affect them on a daily basis. We respond to this by creating offerings throughout the year that meet their information needs and add real value to their communities.β
The AI conference is just one part of this strategy. "We send out a dedicated AI newsletter every two weeks. We are the main sponsor of two exclusive AI events and partner with the leading industrial AI podcast. Ultimately, it all leads up to HANNOVER MESSE in April, where we will be highlighting AI for industry on a grand scale," he adds. The goal is clear: to establish the HANNOVER MESSE brand as the central platform for AI in industry.
"A year is a long time these days. We have to constantly prove that we are relevant to our target group. This is the only way we can ensure that people will come back to Hannover next year because they know that the information provided by the HANNOVER MESSE brand on AI is solid and practical."
But where does the content for the newsletter and the high-profile speakers for the conference come from? "The secret lies in choosing the right partners," reveals Hubertus. Robert Weber and Peter Seeberg, two renowned AI experts, play a crucial role here. "We've been working with them for years, but last year we decided to think bigger."
Their success proves them right: The conference is completely sold out, the newsletter is attracting growing interest, and even companies that have not previously exhibited at HANNOVER MESSE are now showing interest in participating. Hubertus: "Companies see how professionally we cover the topic of industrial AI. This provides a starting point for new trade fair participations.β
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